Thursday, 1 November 2012

Final Layout

Complete Tasks

Joseph Belford - 2D presentation drawings

-Research layout style, techniques and approaches - Done
-Edit and examine 2D drawings prior to publishing -Done
-Publish all 2D drawings to final layout-Done
-Modify layout sheets to a presentable standard-Done
-Communicate with other members to create a unified design approach-Done
-Assist with designing and modification of existing structure where required-Done

All my set tasks have been succesfully completed


I believe the group has worked effectively and smoothly together. There has been little to no conflict with in the group. All design decisions have been made as a group and everyone has carried out their roles and even assisted others. I think my contribution has been imprtant, especially towards the end of the project. At the start there was a minimal amount I could do but at the end my role become possible to complete. I have worked at a good pace on my part and believe the outcome is of high quality. The whole project is of high quality actually. I have been valuable to the group in assisting communication and other group members, instigating collaboration and completing my set tasks.


Much of the communication has happened over Blogger and Facebook. It has been very effective and I feel I have helped instigate some of the work and collaboration.

Completed Layout Sheet

This is the layout sheet as it stands. I believe it is virtually completed but i will still need to get feedback from the rest of the group. I have finalised it by inserting trees and figures as well as text to the images. The process went quite smoothly as I had already researched the techniques and practiced them. Also the help  I received from Luke and Noah was another key factor in the quality and completion of the drawings.


This is an image of the layout sheets in construction in photoshop


This is the image of the layout sheet without images inserted. the texture has worked well in the background and so has the idea of with the elevations and sections for the ground. Noah has taught me alot and helped me with photoshop techniques as he is quite experienced in this area. In the sections i made the cut fills black with paint tools and marquees in photoshop to give a better idea to the viewer of the interior structure. The plans have had the site faded and saturated to give the plans themselves greater presence. The site plan is faded into the texture to focus the viewer on the other drawings first.

External Images

These are the images and textures that I am using in the layout sheets. I have been applying them in photoshop and the results appear to be successful.

Layout sheet

My work on the layout sheet has been able to begin now that the model is complete and textures applied. I have been using techniques and styles which I have been looking at over the past few weeks. I will attempt to imitate the grunge effects of Alex Hogrefe and import external images of trees and people into the layout sheets.


These are the completed plans, site plan, elevations and section which have been rendered in Artlantis. Luke has helped me to complete these as my knowledge of Artlantis is quite limited compared to his. This process took us a while to figure out and we also had troubles with lighting and textures. However, we eventually figured out how to do it and rendered the images.

Alex Hogrefe

Alex Hogrefe is someone Noah and I have been looking at for design inspiration. We both like the grungy style he uses and I have decided to employ some of his techniques in the layout sheet. I have been learning his techniques from his tutorials and have been practicing on other images.


These are some of the textures used throughout the buildings. these will appear in the layout sheets in the drawings


Some suggestions were made to use artlantis for the rendered plans, sections and elevations. After looking at Lukes examples which used in a previous project we decided to go with this option. The quality was superior to that of archicad and all the textures used in the rendered 3d images would be consistant with the plans.


Some of the sections and elevations and plans I have been looking at to try and decide on an approach for the presentation board.

Presentations board

These are some of the presentation boards i have been looking at. I particularly like the elevations and sections in the second board. having the varying input from the whole group has made the decision process a more considered one to usual. I have had good feedback about these found sheets.
Joseph Belford - 2D presentation drawings

-Research layout style, techniques and approaches
-Edit and examine 2D drawings prior to publishing
-Publish all 2D drawings to final layout
-Modify layout sheets to a presentable standard
-Communicate with other members to create a unified design approach
-Assist with designing and modification of existing structure where required

these are my intitial tasks set to complete.